Dazzling Testimonials

Fulfill Your Destiny

That’s right, you can fulfill your destiny. Brian Penso, a coach, mentor, public speaker and serial entrepreneur has been there. He knows what it takes to reach in deep and go for what you find inside. This book is full of real tools and real techniques for finding yourself and your purpose and launching out of your comfort zone to become the person you were meant to be, rather than the one society has turned you into.

Disconnect from the old and build anew with the incredible power of choice. Get rid of your baggage. Learn the true importance of honesty and character. Understand the magic of top-notch communication skills. And so much more. Brian lays things out in black and white with no bullshit. He’s a straight shooter if there ever was one. Not only does he not have time for the unimportant, he won’t waste your time either. Pick up this book, get out there and start living YOUR life—not the one chosen for you.

“What an illustrious honor! Brian, I struggle to place a value on the discussions and knowledge that you have shared with me. My walk towards greatness now takes a straighter path as a result of your impartations.”

Eddie L. Blacknell


“I’ve only known Mr. Brian Penso (aka Uncle Larry) for a few years. In that time, I’ve enjoyed Brian’s entertaining way of sharing his knowledge, experience and communication skills. No sugar coating here just clear and simple communication tips that will work for your fishing buddy or your business partner! This is one of the few books I will read over and over again.”

Karen White

Former VP JPMorgan Chase; CEO & President of KBW Consulting, Houston, TX

“I have known Brian for over 8 years. I was impressed with him the first day we met. I could tell this guy “got it” and saw things differently. Over the years we became business associates and good friends. The more time we spent with each other, the more I realized he brought a very powerful and unique perspective to the situation. I worked for 20+ years at the highest levels of two Fortune 300 companies. In addition, I own several companies as well. I recently retired from Corporate America at the age of 42 and I can honestly say that Brian had an impact and played a part in my relatively early exit from that arena. There have been many instances in negotiating, and reviewing new opportunities that I have thought, “What would Brian do in this situation?” It’s amazing how powerful a change in your mindset can be and it can come from one idea. Brian has brought a ton of those ideas to the masses with this book. I’m so glad he decided to sit down and take the time to pass on those thoughts to a lot of people that weren’t as lucky to have met Brian like I was.”

Casey Salge

Multiple Business Owner

“The knowledge and experience that Brian shares is truly the core of what is required to create success and get whatever it is that you want from life. I would not have broke away from the corporate world to pursue creating my own success in life through multiple business ventures, had it not been for the principles that Brian teaches and lives by.”

Jacob Wernitznig

Realtor and Professional Network Marketer, Houston, TX

“Business in front Party in the Back! Uncle Larry aka Brian Penso. He has been an inspiration and a true leader in all aspects of my life. Brian will never candy coat anything and tell you nothing but the straight honest truth. It has been great to have him as a friend and mentor in my life. Looking forward to what is to come as we continue down the journey of life.”

David Jones

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